It's been over a month! Wow. But I have been thinking about stuff to blog about. I'm slowly making my way through the Phillip K. Dick story anthology Jeff gave me, between Newsweek and doing New York Times crossword puzzles. As much as I found "The Variable Man" and "The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford" and "The Builder" childish, I loved "The Indefatigable Frog".
A pair of professors are arguing about the old conundrum: "If a frog jumps half-way toward the wall on each jump, we he ever get to the wall?" The philosopher says Yes and the physicist says No. (I think Dick got it backwards, but Oh well.) Hilarity ensues when they are forced to work together to invent a device that will let them determine the answer experimentally. Of course one of them ends up in the device, forced to repeat the experiment. I would not have predicted the outcome. It is pure genius. But I'll let you read the story for yourself.