Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Variable Man

I am reading Philip K. Dick's novella "The Variable Man". Losties take note. Imagine my delight to discover that it is about a man who is dragged into the future, causing unexpected consequences. Faraday uses the term "variable" to describe a human being's ability to change the pre-ordained time line. Is this purely coincidental? A cursory examination of Lostipedia shows no references to Dick's use of the term, or to the novella itself. Lost DOES refer to Dick's uber-strange novel VALIS, about a computer becoming a god. Interesting!


  1. I must say I wasn't all that impressed with PKD's Variable Man. It depended on the idea that a backward country bumpkin brought into the future by accident could fix some very sophisticated equipment that even the scientists and technicians of the day couldn't. Shades of Battlefield Earth.

  2. A lot of those short stories from early on in his career are pretty weak and Twilight Zone-y. Some of them are pretty amusing, though, especially the ones that Hollywood picks up and turns into completely different movies.
