Tuesday, June 16, 2009

LOST Obsession

I'm more than half-way through the first season and I'm just blown away by LOST. Dan's posting of March 26 suggests that it wasn't that great in the first season, but I've found it fascinating.
I love how each episode focusses on a character's backstory, often solving mysteries , then delivering even bigger mysteries. At the same time revealing more about the island itself and the individuals' relationships to each other.
I love how most of the characters are complex, not always good, not always bad (although so far, Sun and Sawyer don't seem to have much good in them, and Locke seems like a very good guy. I know, I know, there is much more to come, right?
The episode where Ethan first appears and takes Claire and Charlie is one of the finest pieces of television I've seen in a LONG time. It is creepy in several ways (Claire's "dreams" (or were they), Hurley's discovery that Ethan was never on the plane, Ethan's face when he confronts Charlie and Claire after we discover he's not one of them). It is profoundly shocking (finding Charlie). It is heartbreaking (Jack having to rat out his father, Jack and Kate's discovery of Charlie and desparate attempts to save him, especially Kate's reaction when Jack won't stop trying to revive him. It is touching (when Charlie is revived, how overjoyed they are, even though he is still mostly a stranger to them. Jack cradling him like a baby.)
All in all, an amazing show.


  1. Welcome to the obsession!

    I'm really surprised that you see Sun as not having much good in her right now. Maybe my surprise is colored by all that comes later, but we're rewatching the first season right now, and I still see something very different in her. I'll be interested to see if that changes.

    Enjoy. :)

  2. Oh, dang, did I say Sun?? I meant Jin. And even he's turning out to be not so bad. No, Sun is a very sympathetic character.

  3. I'll be honest. I've never much cared for Sun. Most people would call me an anti-feminist or worse, but I tend to have very little sympathy for depictions of women in fictional works who are driven by illogical emotion, albeit in admittedly difficult situations (don't get me started on "The Awakening.") I guess to be a better person I should try to have more empathy, but shown in context with other women who have come from decidedly more difficult circumstances (i.e. Kate) who just tough it out and kick butt, I find Sun almost unbearably annoying, at least early on.

  4. I suppose as we go on with the re-watch, I'll have to compile a list of my favorite episodes, probably 10 or so. It may be difficult, but from the first season so far, I think the Locke-centric "Walkabout" has a place already.

  5. Mine still has to be the one I mentioned in this post, the second Jack-centric episode 9: All the Best Cowboys have Daddy Issues. It just blew me away. (In looking at the beginning again, I just noticed this: when Locke and Jack are running full-speed through the jungle, Locke pulls up and finds Claire's jacket, or something, hidden under brush well off the path! How could he possibly have seen that??? I wonder if he had prior knowledge, or some mystical sense.) Perhaps my favorite snippet is the one where Locke tells Boone it will rain in one minute. Boone asks if he learned weather forcasting at the box company. When it starts to pour, their body language and the expressions on both their faces are priceless.
