Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lost clips

I’ve finished rewatching the first two episodes (Pilot, Parts 1 and 2). I found two different series of YouTube clips summarizing the major themes of seasons 1 - 5. They were put together by fans, ttheblackbox and campetin, using music not original to the series, but appropriate and moving, mostly. The first series (ttheblackbox) is far superior to the second series (campetin), except I enjoyed the second campetin episode “Happy Moments” very much. I think even non-Lost fans would be moved by it.

Watching these and the Pilot have raised some questions and thoughts. See my next post.


  1. I liked those clips. I also just read a minor spoiler from Entertainment Weekly's TV insider Tom Ausiello, who responded to a fan query about the future of Claire by saying she would be back in a "Rousseau-like" role, and that the original Rousseau will not be seen again. Kinda weird, but I could see a parallel btw. Rousseau and Claire, if they both get separated from their groups and lose their respective children.

  2. I wonder if that means Claire will try to kill all of her companions because they got "sick".
