Saturday, October 10, 2009


Thanks to the article Mom sent us all (which, interestingly, mentioned both Anathem [favorably] and Lost [jeeringly]) I started thinking about the multi-verse. The obvious question for us Losties is: Did Juliet manage to detonate the bomb, thus negating everything that happened in seasons 1-5 ("If I never meet you, I never have to lose you.")? Or did she not? The obvious answer is: Both! I'm wondering if we now will start on a two-track plot in which our heroes in one universe continue their struggles in 2007/1977 on/off the island, at the same time they live their lives in the other universe, having safely arrived at LAX blithely unaware of each other. In the latter universe, I bet they begin to form relationships, and somehow become aware of the goings-on in the other universe. Just a thought.

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